Pasta  with  a  purpose  2024

The second annual spaghetti fundraiser is the main fundraiser for our organization. The Knights of Columbus Hall at St. Alphonsus is our Title Sponsor and host. In 2023 Bethesda created Pasta with a Purpose in partnership with the KC Hall as a way to bring in much needed funds for our Clinic. We sold out and exceeded our goal! This year, we are bringing it back but we are adding a fun, new twist. Our entertainment will also be a contest for the Chef’s Kiss Trophy! Teams of up to five people will fundraise prior to the event and then lip sync in hopes of being the winner. We will judge based on audience response (so bring your friends), amount raised (so reach for the stars) and your performance quality (practice, make it silly, have so much fun).

Attendees will eat spaghetti with salad and garlic bread, drink wine, tea or water and cheer on their favorite acts. Our celebrity judges will choose a winner and the winning team will be the VERY FIRST to hold the Chef’s Kiss Trophy for a year.

Join us for a fun time for a GREAT cause on June 8, 2024!

Tickets to a good time!

Get your tickets for Pasta with a Purpose. Cheer on your favorite lip sycner, eat, drink and be merry!

Pasta Players

Have a blast and bring in some needed funds!
Teams of up to five can join together put on a pasta player performance, lip syncing to your favorite song! The winning team will get their name on the Chef’s Kiss Trophy and will hold the trophy for the year as the reigning champs!
Funds raised go directly to helping the clinic serve ALL adults, no matter insurance or income.

sponsor opportunities

Bethesda Free Clinic relies fully on donors and sponsors to fulfill all of our medical and dental care. Your sponsorship ensures we can provide completely free care no matter income or insurance, helping those who need it most get back to work.

Meet “Your Barefoot Neighbor”

Matthew Bounds, better known on social media as Your Barefoot Neighbor, is generously raffling off a night with him for ten people. Five pairs of tickets will be announced at our event on June 8th - but you do NOT need to be present to win. Support Bethesda and have the night of your life!